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2023 SEL Convening: Empowering Youth Toward a Bright Future


Site Director, Site Supervisors, Youth Workers, Ed. Specialists/Instructional Coordinators, Teachers


ExpandED Schools & Every Hour Counts are looking forward to hosting our annual SEL Convening on March 28th, 2023 our theme this year is Empowering Youth Toward a Bright Future! Come join us for an opportunity to attend one of our offered Professional Development 1:20 pm -2:20 pm. Please, see below. You will have a chance to pick a session once you join.

Adult SEL

Creating a SEL friendly environment for staff. Learning how to provide ongoing support emotional and mental health of adults

Youth Voice models and frameworks

Sharing highlights around implementing effective youth voice models and frameworks 

Purpose not Power: Classroom Management with a Culturally Responsive lens

Improve your coaching and supervision skills with a culturally sensitive lens

Staffing Quality and Solutions

Explore GROW as a coaching model you can use to support your staff. Learn development best practices that you can use to train and develop your team.


This event does not offer a Letter of Completion. This event is intended to share best practices 


March 28, 2023


ExpandED Schools & Every Hour Counts ,


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