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Events at this venue

STEM Educators Academy: Culturally- Relevant STEM “101”

NY, United States

Learn alongside our ExpandED Schools team as we highlight examples of lessons that reflect a wide range of diverse people who have contributed to STEM and activities that are related to the lived experiences of the youth in our programs. 

Canceled We The Youth

NY, United States

An opportunity to hear and learn from the youth of today, to inform and deepen our approach to creating leaders of tomorrow. This is a virtual event held on Zoom. The Zoom link will be available to you through email and on this page after you register.


SEL Data Analysis Best Practices

NY, United States

Learning the benefits of analyzing SEL data to enhance afterschool programming. This is a virtual event held on Zoom. The Zoom link will be available to you through email and on this page after you register.


Trauma Informed Learning

NY, United States

Learn the effects of trauma on youth and families and how to integrate supportive and healing practices within a school community. This is a virtual event held on Zoom. The Zoom link will be available to you through email and on this page after you register.


Educator Series – Session 3: Differentiating Instruction with E-tools (Webinar)

NY, United States

What does differentiated instruction look like in your class? This workshop will teach you how to use e-learning tools to differentiate instruction. This workshop will teach you about strategies you can use to differentiate instruction and how e-learning tools can be used to support it. You will learn how to select strategies and e-learning tools […]

Relationship Building

NY, United States

Learning to engage students and create a positive SEL-friendly environment through techniques of relationship building. This is a virtual event held on Zoom. The Zoom link will be available to you through email and on this page after you register.


Webinar: Scaffolding Literacy for Struggling Learners

NY, United States

What can you do to help students who are falling behind in literacy skills? In this workshop, you will learn a variety of instructional techniques that you can use to support your students’ learning process. You will receive a toolkit that you can use to support students in grades K-8. This workshop is designed for […]

Webinar: Creating Comics for Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

NY, United States

Social and emotional learning (SEL) helps youths understand how to set and achieve positive goals, establish positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. This workshop presents SEL learning in the context of youth-developed comic books. Dr. Bitz and Dr. Mulholland, who have been working together for over 10 years, will present the SEL framework developed by […]

Educator Series – Session 2: Teaching with Padlet (Webinar)

NY, United States

What does brainstorming and collaboration look like in your class? This workshop will teach you how to use e-tools for student collaboration. Participants will learn how to create and add collaboration tasks to their lesson plans using Padlet. This workshop is designed for educators who want to be better prepared to use technology in in-person […]

Webinar: Building Literacy in STEM Activities

NY, United States

Is there room for literacy in STEM activities? The answer is yes! In this workshop, you will learn how to include literacy strategies in STEM lessons. Participants will leave with completed lesson plans for their club or activity that feature high-impact literacy-infused learning! This workshop is designed for everyone interested in learning more about literacy […]

Purpose, Not Power: Culturally-Relevant Behavior Management

NY, United States

Learn how to proactively set students up for success, defuse potentially disruptive situations, and use collaborative and inclusive techniques to promote joyful engagement. The session uses a lens of social and emotional learning and social justice. This is a virtual event held on Zoom. The Zoom link will be available to you through email and […]


Webinar: Infusing Literacy into Clubs

NY, United States

Did you know that any afterschool club can also feature powerful literacy learning? If you didn’t, now you do! Attend this workshop to learn how to infuse literacy (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) into any club or activity at your program. Participants will learn about strategies such as paired texts, writing for multiple purposes, purposeful […]