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- Field Trip Activities: Career KWL Chart
Field Trip Activities: Career KWL Chart
Adapted from Jobs for the Future Possible Futures: Health Sciences
Career Research Document
Computers or Tablets with internet access
- Research careers connected to their field trip
- Reflect on their research
Part 1: Overview Directions
- Distribute or share digital copies of Career Research Document
- Review with students the directions at the top of the page:
- Research two careers that connect to your field trip. These could be jobs you think you will see on the trip, jobs you’ve learned about, and/or jobs that connect to topics you will encounter on your trip.
- Share with students some examples of jobs they might see on the trip, and/or ask students to share out some ideas of jobs connected to the field trip
- Model researching the careers using Google websearch or using the O*NET website shown at the top of the document.
Part 2: Activity
- Give students 15-20 minutes to research the careers connected to their field trip.
Part 3: Share Out
- Invite students to share with partners or with the group which careers they researched and any new ideas they learned about these careers
- You might ask students:
- Do any of the careers they researched interest you? Why or why not?
- Do you have any questions about these careers that you’d want to ask on our field trip?
- Do you know any adults in your life who have this job or a similar one?